Sunday, March 4, 2007

Instructor Niche - Women Shooters

As an instructor of civilians, I've found there is a viable niche to help women shooters, especially novice shooters. There's a common image that all shooters are men --- you know the stereotype, a bunch of macho, hardcore, tactical types sitting around talking about and shooting guns. That image is borne out of how kids grow up, with girls playing with dolls and boys playing with toy guns, and that image is maintained through the years as kids grow into adults.

However, we here all know the benefits of firearms training, and all that applies to women, as well. It's surprising to some that there is a sizable interest among women. Hey, women need to defend themselves, too, and they can do the competitions, and they can be recreationally involved with guns, also. In my business, I've found such an interest and have a good number of female students.

In that vein, I've created the following blog for women.

Go to website

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